EBSCOhost Integration Toolkit


Click here for a complete list of operations.


The AuthoritySearch method is used to perform authority searches on EBSCOhost reference system.

To test the operation using the HTTP GET protocol, click the 'Invoke' button.

Parameter Value Default Value Notes
  • Required Field if using Profile Authentication
  • Required Field if using Profile Authentication
authType: profile
  • Indicates if using IP Authentication or Profile Authentication. Valid values are: (ip, profile)
  • Required Field if using IP Authentication
  • term to be searched on.
  • Required Field
  • One short authority database name to search.
  • Required Field
numrec: 10
  • Number of records returned from a search (if available).
  • Between 1 and 200
startrec: 1
  • Starting record number for the result set returned from a search.
  • Greater than 0
  • The sort order for the search results. Note that the different sort options are database specific, please use the Info method for a list of sort options per database.
format: list
  • The format of the results' records.
  • Valid values are: (list, detailed, tree)
mode: relevancy
  • The authority search mode.
  • Valid values are: (relevancy, alphabetic, boolean, termcontains)

The following is a sample HTTP GET response.

      <!-- N-number of Statistic elements, one per database used during the search -->
            <!-- Database Short Name -->
            <!-- Number of hits found for the query within the database -->
      <!—N-number of rec element, one per record returned from the search -->
         <rec recordID="xs:int">
         <!-- The exact structure will depend on a number of factors including the format used and authority searched -->
         <!-- Below is a list of more commonly used data items -->
            <browseTerm> <!-- Browse Term --> </browseTerm>
            <searchTag> <!-- Search Tag --> </searchTag>
            <searchTerm> <!—- Search Term --> </searchTerm>
            <useTerm> <!—- Use Term --> </useTerm>
            <isExplodable> <!—- Term can be exploded (Y/N) --> </isExplodable>